Friday, July 30, 2010


Wednesday we headed for the National Archives, where you can view the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Magna Carta (from the 13th century, my friends--we're talking OLD!) and other historical documents. No photography inside, but here they are out front...

Thomas Jefferson was in the National Gallery. Flat TJ got his picture made with himself.

Chinatown! We ate a Capitol Q--fantastic barbecue.
There's a lovely atrium in the gallery. If your toddler needs to run...
And make a sweet new friend...little Anya and Todd really hit it off.
Timothy Winston with Winston Churchill.
And here he is with Robert Penn Warren's portrait. He's from Guthrie, KY!
Todd enjoys pushing Timothy around. In more ways than one.
Another escalator--thanks, Thomas!!!
There were so many things in the Portrait Gallery that we loved. I want to go back there and spend all day. Not this trip, sadly.

1 comment:

  1. Todd is too cute! I love the picture on the stairs. In England some really old things are called "new". There is a cathedral that was built in the 1700s and it is the "new cathedral"...wonder how old the "old" one was! The one is Wells was built in 1100. It really puts America and how young we are in perspective.
